A handshake between Ttharg and Fork had sealed the clumsy lizards fate.

Second chances were rare in this particular environment, but it was about making do with what they had and every man was going to be making himself useful. Besides, Fork figured, this particular individual at least has had some experience killing.. albeit patients, not enemies. It shouldn't be too awkward a transition for the fellow.

In order to make sure the new inductee found his place, and in order to tighten up the ranks, Fork set about with a brutal schedule for the marines. It was in part to make sure that the men knew that the fallen marine was taken serious and in part because they were sailing towards a possible heap of danger. He needed their heads in the game. Also, Lizardman mariners were harder to control if they were left unchecked. Their natural violent tendencies did not mix well with the boredom and routinised life onboard.
This meant four weeks of non-stop training and drills. Fork had them hang from both the sides of the ship for hours only to blow a whistle, where they had to scramble up and get to the other side as fast as they could. Patience, strength and endurance were tested. He had them completely do all their weapons and gear every day. Unpack, fix, clean and pack again. Discipline was demanded.

They dove from off of the head of the mount, had to swim under the White Cliff and be fished out along the tail end by four teammates. In full gear. This was particularly gruelling since it tested mettle, reaction and teamwork. It wasn't without danger. Fork came up with many ways to keep the Marines occupied during the four weeks. If they recognised the necessity of it or not, he didn't mind. A strict system was the only way he knew how to keep order on a long voyage. Tried and proven. He liked to think that they were glad for the distractions of boredom, even though he came close to testing their limits sometimes.

He needed them to be at their absolute best.