Sabian Skellegue
Half-Orc Barbarian
AC: 21 HP: 32/32
PPer: 13 PInv: 10 PIst: 11
Raging: No
Reckless: No
Resistances: Necrotic, Fire, Cold
Conditions: --
Rages: 3/3

Sabian is mostly quiet as the group travels through the woods. He isn't sure what the vision of Dracula meant, or what they should do, or if everyone at the Order is really gone. He wants to talk with the others, but they have to get to safety first. Suddenly, Vidrik stops the group. He spotted phase spiders ahead, but Sabian didn't get to see them before they shifted away. The group decides to try and maneuver around them, giving the area Vidrik saw them in a wide berth.

Help Action --> Vidrik Survival check (1d20+4)[9]
Stealth (Disadvantage) - (1d20+4)[14], (1d20+4)[23]