Quote Originally Posted by Kareeah_Indaga View Post
At the risk of screwing up the post cadence again by editing instead of double-posting, how does this look for the resist?

Affiliation – Solo: d8
Distinction – Spawn of Venom: d8 – still fighting a Spider-man villain.
Power(s): None
Specialty – Covert: d8
Complication/Stress – d12 Physical Stress on Mysterio (You said earlier this lasted until recovered, so I’m assuming Kaine can use this too – also yell if I’m using this wrong.)
Asset – None
I think it should be Team because the attack was aimed at all of you, even if it didn't even come close to Hercules. Sleeper isn't "on his own" anymore.

Also, while I didn't say anything before, I'm not sold on that justification for Spawn of Venom. I wouldn't give Spider-Man bonus dice fighting Mysterio just for having fought him before, and that would be firsthand. If you were exploiting something secret, then that might be different.

But yes, you are correct that the stress is "permanent" and both you and Kaine can exploit it.