Sweating and with a throbbing headache Forks worldview swirled back into the present. "What I kill, I keep." He whispered faintly as if unwilling to let go of a dream.

Then the stench hit him and he noticed the nasty feet of a red Slaad to either side of him. With a jolt, Fork suddenly remembered where he was and ignored the pain that was going through his entire body. He felt for his weapon and it was lying just there.. with a deep breath he rolled over slightly, freeing up his arm. He dragged the heavy crossbow, newly bought, up to his chest and aimed it upwards into an angle that was sure to hurt the slaad.

He pulled the trigger.

Then, without ever waiting for the outcome he released the mechanism and loaded another bolt. He didn't even consider aiming. The angle was still sort of similar and as soon he heard the mechanism shutting in acceptance of the second bolt he pulled the trigger again. Without pause he let go of the heavy crossbow and with his left arm pulled free a hand crossbow. In a similar style he shot from the hip as soon as he had the weapon raised. Like a porcupine Fork exploded with bolts shooting upward and it was a hot second before the light that had entered his eyes after falling unconscious started disappearing again.

A shadow closed in on Fork and then darkness engulfed him. He couldn't breath but all his senses were assaulted by a foul taste and smell. Bitter and evil. It was all Fork could do not to throw up.

Everyone else could see the Slaad fall over, then, a bit too long for comfort, Fork crawled out from under it. Gasping for air as he did so.