Sabian Skellegue
Half-Orc Barbarian
AC: 21 HP: 27/32
PPer: 13 PInv: 10 PIst: 11
Raging: No
Reckless: No
Resistances: Necrotic, Fire, Cold
Conditions: --
Rages: 2/3

Sabian studies the strange creature ahead of them, a weird fish like person whose body is partially a water spout. He offers a curt smile then turns to the others and speaks softly, I don't know what this is, but with our numbers, we can defeat it. If not, I can shove it back over the edge of the bridge and we advance as far as we can before it returns. I think once we've made it across, it would be outside the bounds of his contract to give chase, as we've already crossed the bridge.

Fighting is always an option for a Skellegue, especially when the alternative is fording 300ft of river at night with an army of undead at your back.