An interesting plan. I thought it was something like that. You can expect nobles to run the gamut from cartoonish exaggeration of toffery to the rare embodiments of the virtues they espouse, and different DMs will populate their worlds with different ratios, you know? And Bretonnia's the perfect division of this, because depending on how much the gamerunner likes Bretonnia, they either get envisioned as sneering, cheese eating frenchmen from a british propaganda poster or as the very soul of Charlemagne rendered by romantic poets. I'm trying to be even keeled as much as possible; Taalia just lucked out into a very good Tilean community for her recovery from lucking into skavenhell, so her perception of how bad the rest of the world is compared to Tilea might be a little skewed. Tilea was, at that time, not presently consumed by interprovincial wars, which is the problem they tend to get instead of tyranny.

All that waffle aside, I think you're reading correctly. You would expect a noblewoman to typically be a little insulted or stunned by the suggestion she should be cooking for the peasants. A particularly kind one might not be so stunned, or not be stunned by a foreigner having that expectation. But you'd expect the class inappropriateness to have come up, rather than merely a deference to a more skilled member of staff. You are right to be suspicious.