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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Rise of the Runelords: The Skinsaw Murders, Part II [IC]

    Shaking his head at the revealed stain, Evaro frowns for a moment before speaking, "if we were in different circumstances I'd laugh, but as it is, that is an entirely unwelcome omen. As it is, we will be cautious as we descend. Huseina, if I go just ahead of you, will you be able to make sure I don't walk into any traps? I'll go first regardless, but it would be reassuring to know that you were looking out for me. Azel, why don't you follow Huseina, with Torviruv, and Diga following you."

    Evaro turns to Balazar, "Balazar, if Padrig can fit down the stairs, you take the last spot, with Aubrine in front of you, otherwise Aubrine should take the final spot behind you."
    Last edited by Qazgir; 2024-01-08 at 11:06 PM.