"Not so quickly, my friend," says Aubrine. "I saw mold in the other room which, when interacted with the environment it was in, revealed something spooky. I would study this mold here ... why is it here in the center of the floor and nowhere else? No, it bears investigation."

With Aubrine and the druid Azel studying the mold, the mold itself - much like what Aubrine saw in the other room - is completely unexceptional. The stain under the rug is about 10 feet across, a swirling pattern of dark blue, sickly green, and black mold that grows in a spiral. It looks almost like a bird’s eye view of a spiraling staircase descending downward, with each step littered with skulls and bones.

"An omen of death," says Azel.

Opening the doors, it becomes apparent that the northern set goes downwards as the southern door leads to stairs heading upwards.

Evaro, what is your recommendation of how to descend, remembering limitations on lighting and likely cramped spaces?