Quote Originally Posted by LaZodiac View Post
Even ignoring the fact that I doubt Spanish is available "at like every school in the US" because even if that's true it's entirely possible Raziere didn't go to a school that offered it... the reality is, "you have a program to learn a language that is Required" does not mean the program is any good at actually teaching you the language. Underfunding of schools means the ability to teach stuff like this gets reduced, which yes is a fault of the American education system at the very least- though it's hard to blame them when one considers that this is a problem that stems from faults in the American system as a whole.
To break it down let use Europe for a comparison:
USA: learn spanish in high school for a couple credits, not use any of it because the nation taking up like what, a third of a continent? all speaks english surrounds you and renders it useless, mexico? I'm northwestern, thats like......nearly a Europe away?

Europe: successfully become trilingual or whatever because you were taught different languages since you were a child because your surrounded by different nations with different languages and culture who live shorter distances away with long history behind them and so on.

as for my circumstances about this, those are personal and my experience that sharing such things should only done with those you trust and I've decided its best I only trust few people with details like that, especially online. if it was just Zodi and Rater I'd share, but on a public thread anyone can jump into? No.