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    Halfling in the Playground
    Join Date
    Aug 2022

    Default Re: El Goonish Shive X: Please Don't Feel Bad

    Yea the only way that could work is if you make the card game's rules so stupidly complicated and indecipherable that it seems like it uses different rules each time (and thus parodies different card games each time), similar to how youtuber Prozd has his cow parody card game skits.

    But we kind of already had several games shown that clearly use magic-like rules.

    Though I guess he could just parody the Yugi-oh monsters and card names despite still using Magic, though personally I am not sure if I could tell the difference between parody and reality. (I thought of "Green-Eyes Red-Dragon", but frankly I wouldn't be at all surprised if that was a real monster in Yu-Gi-Oh).
    Last edited by Devlerbat; 2024-01-05 at 02:06 AM.