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Thread: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

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    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Denver CO

    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Spoiler: Tharg
    Quote Originally Posted by The Commander View Post
    Ttharg Krixkrux

    With the drinks and latest gossip consumed, Ttharg thanks his old ship-mate and stumbles out of the Inn and heads towards The Captain's Court. If Captain Pthax was operating again, there would almost certainly be a bounty on him from at least one injured party - even if they had no intention of collecting it themselves - and so the Court would be the best place to find information about the Broken Wing and perhaps Pthax himself.

    Ttharg shuddered to think that Pthax had survived the terrible storm all those years ago. Perhaps others had survived? No... surely not... the Blind Sun had been broken in two. It was a miracle that Ttharg and Pthax had survived at all.

    Once inside the Court, he made inquiries into the Broken Wing, Captain Pthax, and any who might have a grievance or, Bahamut forbid, an alliance with him.
    You don't find anything new from what Servius found, looking at the recent events, but digging in on the subject of the Broken Wing in particular you find some background. Before Pthax the ship was in the hands of a Captain Bronzebeard. You find the case that Bronzebeard brought before the court when his crew elected Pthax to replace him as captain and put him ashore in Baratano. Bronzebeard lost the case, on the ancient pirate code that if the men won't have you as captain, no law can make you one. There's no record of Bronzebeard as captain of another ship, but he might have taken passage as some lesser rank on another ship.
    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2024-01-04 at 02:41 PM.