Quote Originally Posted by Peelee View Post
Note to self, A-Wiz has never heard Americans speak.

For reals, you're ignoring New York Common, New York Jewish, Midwestern Donchyano, Mid-Atlantic (which needs to make a comeback), Poor Bostonian, Rich Bostonian (see Major Charles Emerson Winchester III), etc etc. You're taking Californian as a single entity instead of Valley Girl and Surfer, and worst of all, you're conflating all Southern. Here's a quick and dirty primer on Southern drawls.
Fine, it averages out to like one per state, still depressingly homogeneous.

Oh, and French Canadian isn't an American accent. It's a Canadian accent. And i think even the Canadians might bristle at that. Shoulda gone with Cajun accent.
*double checks map* no, definitely on the continent.