BananaPhone! I return! Thank you for your patience. I guess you know my routine vanishings, by now. Boilerplate apology is the same as the one from the Warcraft OOC; forgive me, I'm doing a lot of apologizing.

All I can do is apologize again. I appreciate your toleration, guys. My excuse is lame - I sort of found myself the Admin for the Discord of Lava Lash, the main RP server in the current Season of Discovery expansion of WoW. I thought we'd get like 40 members and then I'd give it up and merge it with someone else's discord; but somehow there's like 600 people in there now and I'm anxious about trying to make it.. accommodating and helpful, and it stole much of my attention, and made it easy to rationalize neglecting my posts here. Sorry.

But those were some pretty dece investigation rolls. Now what, Taalia Trollslayer?