The classic full English breakfast is bacon, egg, sausage, tomato, beans, fried bread, bubble and squeak (may be replaced by hash browns if necessary), with optional mushroom and black pudding. I will accept no substitutions (certainly not chips) and my word is final.

I may be willing to accept further additions, like liver sausage (but only in addition to the breakfast sausage). On the side, tea and, if you feel for some reason your calorific intake is insufficient, toast.

I do think, however, that the very similar Irish breakfast, which includes soda bread, potato farls and white pudding, is marginally superior.

With all that said, continental breakfasts with coffee are perfectly acceptable, as are American breakfasts with pancakes and/or waffles (provided they are of good quality). No insular prejudice here. The full English isn't exactly an everyday food, and some continental pastries are delicious.