Ttharg Krixkrux

Quote Originally Posted by TriciaOso View Post
"Mr. Fork said she's the Broad Fin herself," says Tegu. "So he sent his own mount back to 'wait pursuit? And bespelled to know who to attack?" She shakes her head. "If he gave up the Broad Fin, he must have found another ship, or took passage on one. Nowhere to do that but Baratano."
Ttharg looks grim. "Then he knows we be after him. We'll get no element o' surprise with him. That's a bad omen that is. As fer bookin' passage with another boat; that be makin' a lot o' sense. Ye'd be making a date with Bahamut's Locker if ye attempted to take a wounded an' neutral flyin' living boat out into the Hic Sunt, 'specially around Baratano. The lad would need something less conspicuous." It's clear Ttharg speaks with a level of confidence and knowledge on the subject, but others can see a slight discomfort about him.

Quote Originally Posted by TriciaOso View Post
The Captain considers for a moment, and checks her pocketwatch. "It's late, and much to do before we rest. Cauda, adjust the course for Baratano. Everyone else, get to work." The First Mate looks displeased, but does not speak further.
Ttharg salutes the Captain, but as he walks away it's clear he is also troubled about the prospect.

Ttharg was glad Bahamut (or at least he assumed it was Bahamut) had decided to gift him a dream rather than the regular nightmares he had. He pondered upon what he was being told. The dream of last night made him feel more empowered, as if Bahamut trusted him more. He felt that he could reach out to the skies and call the very lightning that set him on this path of faith and privateering.

As the Goblin ship pulls up for trade, Ttharg makes enquiries as to whether the vessel has any goblinoid liquor. He had already purchased all the necessary supplies he needed back in port, and having spare gold was always important in the Hic Sunt, but it was rare to see the Goblins and obtaining Goblin-made liquor was even rarer. Besides, he owed Tegu a drink anyway.