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    Barbarian in the Playground
    Join Date
    Sep 2014

    Default Re: El Goonish Shive X: Please Don't Feel Bad

    On the current EGS:NP strip... I'm having trouble understanding why "use more magic" makes a difference. If the problem is that magic's "helping hand" is gone & Nanase doesn't have the brainpower to run two sets of actions at once without major problems, how does more magic (either directly or by trading off stuff elsewhere) let her access it after all?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gez View Post
    She vowed to help Sarah awaken her magic, using ethically-sound methods that she first discuss with her for explicit approval.

    I figure that what it means will be more magic lessons, like those with Tedd, Ashley, and Kevin.
    That was probably Pandora's original plan ("apprentice magic user" and all), but since she's a baby immortal now and has "forgotten many things", Hope might not know enough to teach her.
    Last edited by Reboot; 2023-12-28 at 03:07 PM.