Quote Originally Posted by Infernally Clay View Post
No, you'll get your crummy sequel that learns all the wrong lessons from the popularity of the original AND YOU'LL LIKE IT.

Seriously, though, I think that's what WSJ wants. Naruto got a sequel, Bleach kinda got one and will likely get a full continuation at some point, they're probably desperately trying to get a Demon Slayer sequel (hence the weird chibi school AU), they'll certainly never let One Piece end...

They're far less enthusiastic about new manga series these days and frequently cancel them before they have a chance to fit their feet, so a sequel series to MHA with the brand recognition inherent to it is probably inevitable. It'd be a safer bet, for sure.
Nooo I don't want My Boruto Academia, noooo! If they really wanna keep the money flowing they gotta do side stories/prequels instead, or at least yet Horikoshi rest a bit before getting any sort of sequel series so it isn't as rushed and ****ty as Burn The Witch and Boruto.

To be... fair(?) to Shonen Jump, the Demon Slayer modern day weirdness is a call coming from inside the house- Demon Slayer just had chapters like that, and ended with the reveal that it was the future and not an AU, so, it is at the very least not UNREASONABLE that it exists. It's just dumb.

My personal hope is that when My Hero and One Piece ends (and it IS going to end, sooner rather than later now), the void will basically force Shonen Jump to trust some of the lesser series (Mamayuya... Mamayuya, and Mamayuya) to get the time they deserve to become the gold they need. Not every series is going to get Aliens Area'd unless they're like... Aliens Area, and thus kind of terrible.