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Thread: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

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    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2018
    Denver CO

    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Quote Originally Posted by J-H View Post
    Looking over the side of the ship. "So, this used to belong to another ship. Any way to tell who it came from? Surely there's a registry or book somewhere."
    Cauda peers over the side at the great corpse, light filming over her eyes. "His eyes opened but his heart in chains," she croons.

    "Cauda," says the Captain with flat irritation.

    Sulkily: "Divination, enchantment."

    "Mr. Fork said she's the Broad Fin herself," says Tegu. "So he sent his own mount back to 'wait pursuit? And bespelled to know who to attack?" She shakes her head. "If he gave up the Broad Fin, he must have found another ship, or took passage on one. Nowhere to do that but Baratano."

    Baratano is a pirate haven, the one located the closest to the Calm and thus most frequently raided by privateers and chromatic military.

    "Might be we could catch his trail there, and resupply to boot."

    First Mate Achelous scowls. "I disagree. We ought to hold course for Sunhome. Getting ahead of him is what matters."

    The Captain considers for a moment, and checks her pocketwatch. "It's late, and much to do before we rest. Cauda, adjust the course for Baratano. Everyone else, get to work." The First Mate looks displeased, but does not speak further.

    Eventually, you all sleep.

    Spoiler: Nibum

    Darkness. A looming, terrible draconic skull, gleaming in the shadows.

    Hungrily: The streams that dissolve and do not quench.

    Spoiler: Servius

    A colossal, flame-lit cavern. Something too vast to understand, pinned beneath something vaster still. Muscular, writhing, an eternal struggle.

    Ominously: The grips that crush and do not build

    Spoiler: Ttharg

    An endless shimmering geometric perfection, growing and expanding chaotically, fractally. A thunderbolt.

    Sadly: The lights that burn and do not reveal.

    Spoiler: Frrkkk

    Glaciers and blind, blowing snow. Something vast, hunting in the white-out. Three stars, burning with cold.

    Grimly: The winds that freeze and do not refresh.

    It's just barely a long rest before you are awoken by cries from the crow's nest.

    Spoiler: OOC
    All PCs are now level 5. It is a noticeable change.

    "Goblin ship off the portbow!" Indeed, a goblin steamship flying a legitimate flag of trade has appeared as you slept.

    "We’ll stop briefly," the Captain decides. "To ask for word of Trionyx. It must have been chugging in this direction for some time."

    "Permission to go aboard for a bit of shopping, Cap’n?" asks Tegu.

    Humans think of goblins as savages and plague carriers, but the reptilians remember the height of their civilization, and the surviving goblin cities are still home to some of the finest artificers and creators of magic items in the world.

    The Captain looks around at her officers. "All right, but make it snappy."

    The ship is manned mostly by goblins, with a few hobgoblins and bugbears scuttling about, and quarters are a bit tight for the larger among you. The ship is a working ship, not a showroom, but they are willing to haul things out of the neatly-packed and organized cases to make a sale.

    There are a few people among them who stand out from the busy, uniformed crew; Min, a young goblin woman in a toolbelt and civilian clothes, seems excited to be out in the world and is the main person who helps you find goods and makes sales.

    Additionally, there is a moustachioed male hobgoblin and a female troglodyte, both in uniforms, but not sailing uniforms, who both radiate a sense of competency and sheathed danger. Captain Magyar, stooped in the narrow corridors, speaks briefly not just the captain of the goblin vessel but to them as well.

    Spoiler: Prices for Specific Items already mentioned - Inquire with Min for more.

    Sentinel Shield - 200 gp
    All Purpose Tool - 150 gp
    +1 shields/weapons - 150 gp
    Mariner’s Armor - 200 gp
    Luckstone - 200 gp
    Clockwork Amulet - 50 gp
    Bracer of Defense - 150 gp
    Cloak of Protection - 150 gp
    Assorted Scrolls
    Magical Ink and Paper

    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2024-01-03 at 12:04 PM.