Once dinner is done and the group is relaxing with post-meal drinks, Audrahni broaches the subject of Roderic’s Cove’s recent troubles.

“Thank you again for taking the time to chat with me. You seem like capable sorts—certainly not the type who’d be content to live out lives of comfort in a small town like Roderic’s Cove. I don’t mean that as an insult—far from it. I’ve been in town for several years and I think the Cove needs people like you: heroes. The stink of violence is in the air. The near confrontation you were just involved in isn’t the first we’ve had recently... surely you’ve heard of the slaughter that took place last week? Something strange is going on here in Roderic’s Cove, and someone needs to do some investigating to figure out what that is. I’m hoping you’ll be up to that challenge.”

For those that are unaware of current events, Audrahni gives a recap. Audrahni knows that there was a big fight between two groups in town that left six people dead from mysterious and supernatural causes. Audrahni’s main concern, however, is the appearance of Sir Roderic himself. She recalls that the last time Sir Roderic’s ghost made appearances in the Cove was during events 10 years ago that culminated in a minor uprising. Roderic’s Cove’s previous port-Governor, Jess Gildersleeves, was run out of town after she was found to be undermining Roderic’s Cove by diverting funds meant for the small town to shady interests in Riddleport.

Audrahni believes that Sir Roderic grows restless when his beloved cove is in danger, not that he is the cause of those dangers himself. She now suspects that, in order to give the town’s founder the rest he finally deserves, Roderic’s Cove must be made safe for its citizens, but that requires first determining what sort of peril is building in the town’s shadows. She’s done a little bit of work looking around town for clues, but she’s the first to admit that she’s not the best at getting people to talk or noticing subtleties, and suggests perhaps the PCs will have better luck than she did in finding out more.

As for Roderic’s ghost, Audrahni mentions that an investigation of his old home, an abandoned building outside of town called Roderic’s Wreck, would be a logical step, but she warns that the old building is dangerous and that the PCs should be careful and deliberate in their investigation of the building.

When the conversation’s winding down, Audrahni reiterates her hope that the PCs will become heroes for Roderic’s Cove. She’s certain that something dire, in need of a group of heroes’ attention, is building within the town, and also that the ghost can be put to rest if the town is saved.