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    Default Re: Domino Quartz's Delightfully Quaint Random Banter Thread #248


    And I mean, I know what I'd do in that situation, or at least what I'd prefer, but actually being able to pull it off from those starting parameters is a differant question entirely.

    Like, I would want to try and get to a point where I either don't need a host because I don't like the idea of sharing thoughts or agency but I also don't like the idea of turning a person or creature into a meat puppet.

    to get to a point where I don't need a host, I'd need either the powers of the Agents of the Cosmos—an order of good-aligned symbiotes based on Klyntar who were basically Space Knights—or gain the traits of a symbiote dragon. Or both.

    Given that the Agents of the Cosmos were effectively wiped out in the lead-up to Venomized and Klyntar just flat out isn't there anymore given that it was just a cage for Knull, my best bets would be to either bond to someone who was bonded to an Agent of the Cosmos of Dragon derived dragon and copy the data from their codex, or eat the codex to the same... but in order for codex consumption power-ups to be fully permanent rather than a temporary boost followed by a smaller boost to raw power, you kind of have to eat the full doex... which means totality assimilaing the biomass of the host like Alex Mercer from Prototype, barring some kind of cheat and I'm not sure that the cheats I used in my fanfics would actually work in canon.

    My best-case scenario would probably be finding Kamala Khan, given that she's level-headed enough to listen assuming I have some means of talking to her and generally friendly enough to consider it... And also she's been bonded to two symbiotes, one of whom was an Agent of the Cosmos and one of whom was an offshoot of a Symbiote Dragon. The Agent of the Cosmos was modified with Haze Mancer's tech as well, meaning that it bonds faster and adapts at an absurd rate—years of evolution in days—so if I can copy that data and replicate it I could just get what I need and GTHO much faster but sharing a body with a teenage girl for potentially months if I can't quickly copy the hyper-adaption trait would be incredibly awkward.

    ...Also, her unique nature as an "Inhu-Mutant" means that her genome is a potentially volatile mixture of multiple terrestrial and extraterrestrial superhuman species and we don't know what her mutant power is, so it's entirely possible that it could backfire horribly if it turns out there's something in her genes that's a bad fit for symbiotes or her mutant power turns out to be heat or sound-based. Like, realistically it's probably gonna be cosmic energy constructs like in the MCU but that's not a chance I'd be willing to take if I'm actually there doing it, you know?
    Last edited by Rater202; 2023-12-27 at 10:56 PM.
    I also answer to Bookmark and Shadow Claw.

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    Quote Originally Posted by zimmerwald1915 View Post
    You are a meteor
    Falling star
    You soar your
    Way down the air
    To the floor
    Where my other