Alandra has spent her life studying the nature of fear. And while she does have to steel herself and grit her teeth, she resists the urge to bolt in terror.

Meanwhile, all of both gang members - and most of the nearby bystanders as well - flee screaming from the Circle. The guitar music suddenly stops and even that colorfully-dressed musician has skedaddled.

Meanwhile, the visage of the watery spirit drowns from view. Still standing in that area of the Circle Market are Alandra, the armored man, the little dragon followed quickly by the "momma," the white-haired witch, and even her unflappable fox. A minute later, an abashed, colorful musician returns to find out what happened, apologizing profusely for having run, as doing so was so "unmanly."

Representatives of the town guard arrive on scene within a few minutes to try to sort things out. Rather than accosting the colorful bunch, the guards on scene thank the heroes - and not knowing better they include the musician amongst those thanked, which he does not try to correct - as it seems the heroes managed to stop any escalation.

At the same time the guards arrive, the motley bunch are approached by a morose elf. Alandra recognizes the unusually dour-looking elf as Audrahni, Roderic's Cove's cemetery groundskeeper.

Audrahni was on her way to the Circle Market when the adventure begins, and she’s startled but not surprised to hear of Sir Roderic’s appearance. She approaches the armored man, who seems to know her, and he recounts to her what happened. To everyone else, including Alandra since they haven't really crossed paths, Audrahni introduces herself. She offers to buy the group dinner at the nearby Creekside Tavern and Inn.

Alandra, do you accept?