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Thread: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

  1. - Top - End - #35
    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2018
    Denver CO

    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    "Enough," the Captain says heavily. "Enough. We are not here to argue about religion or the finer points of Imperial justice. The point of this meeting is to understand the mission and what must be done. Mr. Nibum, I believe you do understand the seriousness and the goals of this ship. Anything else you can take up with the Magistrate Lapis or the Heirophant Carmine upon our return."

    "Right here and now, Professor Siduri is not a representative of the University or the Library, whatever you believe their sins to be."
    Her angry look takes in not just the elderly kobold, but her First Mate as well. "She is the person who knows what we need to know to complete our mission. End of."

    "I do not accept the heresy of Sarrukh," the Professor says quietly, "And so I do not accept that the shard of Shetyw is a danger to us. But the book--the book is bad enough, and that is our fault. My fault. I trusted Trionyx. His faith seemed to have nothing to do--I thought it was safe. It wasn't."

    "But you've said something important, Mr. Nobim. He carries the shard. It is a part of him."
    She looks to Servius. "You asked about a magical signature. Trionyx isn't powerful enough to track by his own, but the shell--" She looks now to Cauda, who seems as usual to occupy another plane of existence. "Perhaps with your help, Mr. Pamphilius, and a Navigator's..."

    Tegu, silent up to now, mutters something under her breath.

    Spoiler: Perception 8+
    It sounds suspiciously like, "All snakes together, is it?"

    The Captain's expression is furious, no roll needed. And then the entire ship gives a splintering lurch, and an outcry rises from the deck.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Please roll for initiative and report in the OOC thread! If you didn't get a chance to ask your questions, well, it'll be a long voyage with Professor Siduri. :) With Christmas on the horizon I don't expect we'll actually get into it until after Christmas, but let's get started!
    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2023-12-22 at 12:19 PM.