Sabian Skellegue
Half-Orc Barbarian
AC: 21 HP: 23/23
PPer: 13 PInv: 10 PIst: 11
Raging: No
Reckless: No
Resistances: Necrotic, Fire, Cold
Conditions: --
Rages: 1/2
Sabian inhales more of the noxious gas but powers through the instinct to retch. He hears Vidrik come down the stairs and let loose a bolt. Sabian follows behind him and they both shuffle into the room, Sabian closing the door to the lab behind them, We need to barricade the door!

Spoiler: Turn 6

Move - Move to F250
Action - Grab Vidrik
Move - Move to F252, Vidrik to E252
Object Interaction - Close the door
Move - Move to F251