Everyone has their good days, and their bad days. No sooner does Alandra's voice escape her mouth, than she hears herself. The words seemed reasonable, but Alandra realizes that something about the way she said them perhaps was more wheedling than winsome, so it actually doesn't surprise her when the white-furred woman's eyes seem to steel over as she takes a breath to strike down Alandra, but then she gains some measure of composure and stays her bleed, as it seems the little dragonling is crying like a scared girl under the cowl, making this strange woman think the better of it.

The woman's eyes narrow. "Next time, you let her be catch to learn lesson, or you learn lesson."

She storms off. To the woman's credit, she actually did a great job of putting the fear of Aroden into her.
Spoiler: OOC
Intimidate 20, just so you know for effect.
It is enough effect that she spins and storms off before Alandra can come up with a witty retort as she is shaken.

It's not often that another person uses actual personality instead of psionic power to put fear into another. Either Alandra can be petty about it, or she can be philosophical, perhaps using what she felt to meditate on later for her own use in the future.

What does Alandra do now? Does she go get some possum punch from Bimmer "Possum" Coots' wagon to steady her nerves?