Quote Originally Posted by Rater202 View Post
Then Jameson comes walking up with a pistol, trying to work up the nerve to kill Osborn citing how dangerous he is and how he knows Sider-Man's identity know, but Peter insists that Osborn is harmless right now and that killing him would be wrong. Jameson, however, is wracked with guilt for inadvertently exposing Peter's identity to Osborn and putting his friends and family at risk and takes his shot...

But Peter takes the bullet(in the arm) and when Jameson askes why, Peter simply replies "with great power comes great responsibility—to everyone."

Dan Slott's run on Spider-Man is controversial and for good reason, but his final storyline as the writer of Amazing Spider-Man, he got Peter exactly right.
Oh, yeah, that is a strong climax.

I was always an X-Men fan myself, but I did dip briefly into Spiderman during the whole Scarlet Spider chaos. I quickly realized I didn't have the allowance to buy enough comics to make sense of it.