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Thread: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

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    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2018
    Denver CO

    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Spoiler: Newspaper (Inv Check 5+)
    There is an article about the increased bounties on the ships of the Kings Over The Sea, the name used by the illithid in their dealings with this world. The KOS trade with the native species of the world via their merchant-marine of orc slaves, selling magical goods and the illlithid drug known as ink. Decades ago, the KOS seized the human city of Spice Harbor as permanent foothold in this world.

    The article recaps a story that has been unfolding over the last few months: some time ago, the black dragon Tenebrous attempted to liberate the city and establish a draconic colony in human lands, despite the law of the Empire. If he had been successful, it might have been forgiven. As it turned out, he fell into the hands of the mind-flayers. The liberation of Spice Harbor has been achieved, but it is back in human hands. The mindflayers have lost their favored port in this world, and seem to be trying to escape back over the ocean.

    The gist of this article is that their only possible route takes them through the Hic Sunt, and thus the new and hefty bounties.

    Spoiler: Inv Check 15+
    A related and minor story discusses the forfeit of Tenebrous's lands and wealth to the Empire for his failure, including the estates and titles of the Achelous, Delethe, and Stygian families.

    Some of the land has been presented to the University of Chalcedon by the Emperor, and the article discusses the necessary relocation of an indigenous bullywug village as the climate dries up from swamp to desert--an inevitable result when land passes from black dragon control to blue.

    Spoiler: Nibum Only
    Nibum, you know that the old Negniter estates devolved onto Tenebrous when the family was wiped out and would be a part of that parcel of land.
    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2023-12-17 at 05:05 PM.