Quote Originally Posted by lord_khaine View Post
Possibly i was not sarcastic enough to show it earlier. But i do think its an extremely sheltered point of view, that making someone wear a jacket in clashing colors are a big deal.
And as such. Violations of consent happens ALL THE TIME. I didnt consent to 9 years of school as a kid. But i had to do so anyway. I dont consent to taxes. But i have to pay them anyway.
Many things happen frequently and a decent number of those things are bad and wrong. Most progress against things that are bad and wrong happens because, despite them happening often and in many different ways both on a systemic and personal level, people point out that they are happening and try to prevent them from happening. Critique of media that represents those things in an unexamined way is a small but, I would argue, pretty vital way in which those bad things are denormalised and made unacceptable.

And as far as forcing somebody to wear clothing they don't want to wear goes? I'd say it's a pretty big deal. If I heard from any of my friends that somebody they were in a relationship with, personal or professional*, was forcing them to wear something they didn't want to wear I would be concerned enough to take some sort of action to get them the heck out of that situation if it was in my ability to do so. That kind of controlling behaviour is abusive as all hell.

* Not in the sense of a uniform or dress code in a workplace, that's something you signup for and consent to when you take a job, but if somebody's boss made them wear their old jacket or a particular type of shirt or whatever just because they wanted them to I'd be offering to help that person lawyer up asap.