An ancient copper kobold is busy below deck reapplying a layer of sealant to the hull. His body gnarled and wiry. Eyes clouded over to a degree that you'd expect him blind. His body missing scales here and there as if he were balding but all over his body. He grabs tools from triceratool a mechanical triceratops of his own design. It's horns articulate and versatile enough to facilitate assistance brings him material while Mini cliff, a replica of the ship and fetcher, a tiny multi-tool resembling a pterodactyl, bring him tools and help with any delicate work.

He's been up for a while already making last minute repairs Dam layabouts. Thats the problem with todays youth. Dont know a real days work he thinks as triceratool brings him another bucket of sealant. It doesn't matter where they are going or what they are doing as long as the ship is in good shape.