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Thread: Castlevania II: Dracula's Curse (IC)

  1. - Top - End - #120
    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jul 2017

    Default Re: Castlevania II: Dracula's Curse (IC)

    Mustafa the Vampiralgietch
    Human Cleric
    AC: 17 HP: 17/17
    PP: 13 PIv: 10 PIs: 13
    Conditions: --
    Concentrating: --

    As Mustafa burst through the wall, he glimpsed the holy inferno that Cassandra unleashed at the enemies. Inspired by that might, he raised his new holy symbol and cried the ancient words of an incantation that couldn't be translated without butchering the meaning, but roughly meant "Return to hell, creatures of the night."

    Move one square north and one square west to F-225
    Action: Cast Burning Hands facing south, aiming at ZB and ZA.

    (3d6)[10] fire damage (Dexterity half, DC 13)
    ZB Dexterity save (1d20)[18]
    ZA Dexterity save (1d20)[7]
    Last edited by dangelo; 2023-12-09 at 04:46 PM.
    Running Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: IC | OOC
    Playing Dracula's Curse: IC | OOC | Mustafa