Quote Originally Posted by Anonymouswizard View Post
Also in a shade that contrasted more with the background, I also missed their his pronouns.

On today's comic, looks like the trio are going to be delayed a while as they keep assuming both sides are the same. I'm also calling it now, someone (I'm betting Tedd or Nanase, but maybe Edward) will willingly sacrifice their 'royal' aura once one of them actually thinks to just ask.
I really doubt anyone will willingly sacrifice their 'royal' aura. I don't think that's really a thing you can give away without also losing your entire magical aura and, thus, ability to actually do magic. All three of those people depend too much on magic to just give it away.

These characters are villains, even if they have something approaching a good reason. They want to steal something important from an innocent person and they're trying to convince themselves their target isn't innocent.