Minutes 7-11
While Chloe, Sabian, and Mustafa strap into heavier armors, Vidrik and Cassandra move to check through the officer's quarters (1 minute move/4 minutes to search since only ~ 1/2 the part, so it works out well timing wise). The six individual bedrooms of the Officer’s Quarters are locked, as is the common area. Vidrik carries thieves tools and unlocks several of the doors, but unfortunately it appears that the whatever personal weapons or tools those who lead the order's troops carry are with them. The common area has comfortable chairs and an area that hosts small meetings, games of strategy, and the like, but nothing of use to you.

Around minute 10, there's a thumping and vibrations from below, as though something large has walked into the Great Hall. Both parts of the group emerge into the hall at minute 11, only to come face to face with animated skeletons. Their bones are yellow-grey with age, but the skeletons do bear weapons, and move to attack...