"Ooooh, one thing at a time, all right?" Tanna-Mai blinked at the word salad emanating from Ringel. "I get it -- it's, like, a sudden weird thing! Didya maybe save someone's life earlier? Maybe you saved some former member of this keep that ya didn't know about from, like, I dunno, mind flayers or somethin'? And they, like, decided to gift you this place after they croaked in gratitude?" Stuff like that always seemed to happen in drunken bard ballads.

"OOOOH!" Tanna-Mai's eyes widened suddenly. "Or maybe! Maybe, like, does yer family have, like, any enemies or bitter rivals? Like, this is all just a way to TRAP you in order to get revenge!"

Suddenly, this upcoming trip to the Keep was looking a LOT more fun....