Not any less flustered than before Ringel manages to trod back to the forge to see if she can relay the good news to Morlin, but doesn't really feel much strength left in her to do a lot more than that. Though somewhat more cost-averse than the noble, she decides not to do a full Telrayel and break away from their own personal figure of authority, settling into a room at the Old Bridge. Not that the comfort of the room is doing much for hers. She spends much of the night furiously rolling from one side to another. Whatever is she going to do with a full keep sitting in an active warzone?? Not that there aren't implications to the whole business she likes even less.

As the dawn breaks, she rises early to wash herself and then just shuffle about the common areas in and around the inn, waiting for a good opportunity to ambush her best shot of someone to talk to, who happens to be none other than the likely unsuspectig Tanna-Mai. When she shows, Ringel (if not consciously,) is quick to try for an absent, but arresting hug from behind. Tanna? Can we talk? the Eneko asks quite sheepishly. I wouldn't bother you, but Lord Burne looks really busy and the Elf is weird and Knight Novalis even weirder, and neither of them is here anyhow and I don't think I ever exchanged two words with this Sharess person, and I realy need to make sense of things. What do you make of this whole Keep business? she finally blurts out. I've never owned a shack before. And it's probably full of Goblinfolk or weirder. Not to mention that… I'm not my whole family! How's my mother and father even figure into this? Why'd this inheritance deal skip them? Are they even alright? I can't just go back to the Gap now.