Cassandra Hartdegen
High Elf Wizard Bladesinger 2
HP: 12/12, AC: 15
Conditions: None
Spells: 1st - 3/3
Bladesongs: 2/2

From the library, Cassandra packs both encyclopedias and all the spell scrolls and materials for copying them into a backpack for study later. It would take far too long for her to peruse any of it right now but all of it will be valuable nonetheless.

When the party reaches the Armoury, Cassandra grabs some studded leather armour for herself and a healing kit but leaves the rest for the others. She can't use any of the more unique armour and with the Vampire Whip in hand she doesn't need another weapon. She then puts on the armour.

Cassandra acquires the following:
Spell scrolls: Cure Wounds, Mass Healing Word, Divine Favor, Grease, Magic Missile, Flaming Sphere, Magic Circle
Scroll copying inks and tools worth 525gp.
Encyclopedia of Undead: Auto-pass checks to identify undead immunities and vulnerabilities by type (10 lbs)
Encyclopedia of Monsters: Auto-pass checks to identify dragon and monstrosity immunities and vulnerabilities by type (10 lbs)
Healer’s Kit (3lbs)
Studded Leather Armour (13lbs)

36lbs in total (Cassandra can carry up to 135lbs)