It seems that the net effect of your guys' actions has been that Hercules has scared the last of the (real) goons into surrendering to the police or just running away, Sleeper is still busy trying to rescue the hostages, and Kaine has tried to tackle Mysterio but has actually gotten one of the hostages.

I think we've been leaning toward a posting scheme of You guys roll reactions, you guys roll actions, you post IC about what you're trying, I roll reactions, I roll actions, I post IC about what the villains are trying. Before I make an IC post about the results of your actions, would you prefer to use a scheme of You guys roll reactions, you guys roll actions, I post IC about what the villains achieved, I roll reactions, I roll actions, you post IC about what you achieved?

I'm looking for the best place to slot in the IC posts to avoid putting words in people's mouths. (That said, Kareeah_Indaga, I generally don't care if you want to post reactions for NPCs. Maybe be more careful about the named characters like Electro and Mysterio, but you're welcome to decide why the hostages aren't cooperating if you like - or I can do it if you prefer.)