Quote Originally Posted by Morgaln View Post
The whole prophecy about chief (can be found here: https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/02102006) makes zero sense.

Chief was an infant at the time his father, the previous chief, died; and yet, there were enough goblins who thought Chief should lead due to his bloodline that it would have resulted in civil war if Chief hadn't become chief at that point. As a newborn! But somehow, the decline of the clan is his fault, not the fault of the idiots who put an infant in charge.

Also, the prophecy said that there was a goblin destined to lead the clan to glory (we know that was Thaco). But if Thaco had become chief, the resulting civil war would have been the end of the clan. Those can't both be true at the same time. How do you lead a clan to glory if your leadership means its demise?

The whole story about how Chief became chief is complete bollocks. The question is, is it bollocks within the story, i. e. it's not actually the truth, and we've yet to find out what really happened? Or is it bollocks because Elli didn't think this through at all?
It could be that the clan would have been destroyed but Thaco would hae lead goblinkind to glory afterward.

But also, that's the only time in the comic we hear of an "if A then B but if C then D"-type of prophecy. Every other time what'd prophesied will happen, no ifs or buts.