Quote Originally Posted by Silly Name View Post
it's a matter of power, not just knowledge, right?

It is my understaning that Immortals lose a lot of power when they reset, and have to accumulate it back up as they age. And Pandora was frighteningly powerful, as she was centuries older than even the oldest immortals. "Hope" may have the magical knowledge of Pandora, but be unable to act on it.

Also, Pandora made sure her reset would allow her to be the same person and mantain her connections to Adrian, Tedd, Sarah and everyone else, but considering her reset was forced, I wonder how "properly" it went, which apparently influences how powerful a newly-reset immortal is.
This being the same Pandora who, while being reset, forcibly took control of the spell and used the excessive power to force every immortal to materialise and cast an abomination-killing spell? I think she was more in control than you might think.

Also, Immortals are always less powerful after reset - what a forced reset does is scramble their memories (which is what happened to Helana and Demetrius). That is more likley to be what has happened to her - she may have been protected from the effect somewhat, but I don't think she got away totally unscathed.