Quote Originally Posted by Yuki Akuma View Post
Well, that's fine, because it seems someone already took care of it.
It resolved itself - the flow of magic just adjusted around the blockage and found a new equilibrium place to go through. Which conveniently happens to be at the local college most of the cast is going to wind up at, thus ensuring they still have ready access to the greater-than-normal supply of ambient magic that they're used to and nobody will have to be inconvenienced by not being able to use their spells/magical trinkets whenever they want >.>

it's a matter of power, not just knowledge, right?
I vaguely recall a mention that most immortals or even mortal wizards could undo it, if they knew what Pandora had done to create it in the first place, but it needed the dammed up pool of magic to be drained first in order to do so safely. Hence Sarah's mark-spell which uses up magic much faster than the replenishment rate.

Honestly, I'm wondering if she's going to be able to uphold her vow to help Sarah Awaken anytime soon.
Between having a mark-given spell to practice with and regularly using magic by way of Tedd's various wands and magic-related trinkets I don't think Sarah is going to need much help - while there are presumably other techniques to gain access to magic that might have worked, 'have a spell and use it a lot to train your own magic capacity' is already known as a means of Awakening. Would bet the only piece Sarah is missing is learning to use as much of her own energy as possible to cast in order to start training her personal level instead of leaning on the background magic, and Kevin can explain that/has made Tedd aware that that is a thing you can do to incorporate into their own experiments.