Greetings folks! I'm Zero and Sanguine just invited me to the game to fill out the roster, so I am looking forward to playing with you all and tearing up this town we call Katapesh! I'll be playing Kheti ibn al-jahat, an Automaton Magus ...

Kheti ibn al-jahat, Aluum remnant
AC: 20 | HP: 38 | Current: 38 | Hero Points: 1
Fortitude: +9 | Reflex: +6 | Will: +7 | Perception: +5
Focus Points: 1 | Current: 1 |Spell Slots: 1st: 2/2 | 2nd: 1/1
Active Effects: Light (Arcane Core)
Conditions: None.

Spoiler: In Brief
Kheti represents a mobile striker, something of a glass cannon, given Magus' base HP's, but a decent AC, access to the Shield Spell, and some utility from the Arcane spell list will keep him viable. Can, on-demand, burst damage, via spell strike, but access to the Wizard Dedication (eventually) will broaden the limited spell slots available to them, providing for decent out of combat utility, on top of their skill feats. Magus Analysis lets them recall knowledge, reliably, in combat, and possibly recharge their spell strike with some action economy. Not a very charismatic character, they're a golem, after all, they do have Society, and will be picking up feats like Streetwise & Courtly Graces to let them use their intelligence to Make an Impression. Medicine provides for some, solid, out of combat healing, while Crafting, and eventually, Magical Crafting, will let them swap runes, and identify other constructs.

The pathbuilder link provides a build path I have, currently, set ... though, as always, that is subject to change depending on group requirements and events that occur in play.

Spoiler: Appearance
Kheti ibn al-jahat is a large, automaton with a dull grey, black and silver reinforced chassis, crafted of tempered steel, adamantine with some alchemical silver fittings, fixed into the center of their chest plate is a multifaceted gem, the size of a man's fist, which pulses with a blue-white light. Kheti's core is infused with the their planar quintessence, or soul, this energy infuses and flows through their golem-like chassis, visible at certain joints, where it flares to life with a rhythmic pulse, noticeable in dim light, or darkness. Their face plate is angular, it's lines moving downward to a pointed chin, Kheti views the world through two downward slanting slots, each pulsing with the blue-white astral energies which animate it's chassis, the rest of the plate is flat and featureless, it's voice echoing upwards from it's chest, a deep, sonorous voice, low, often quiet, Kheti prefers to observe before speaking, due, at times to their unfamiliarity with their own, partially, remembered, humanity.

Kheti wears a dark green, voluminous cloak, with a deep hood pulled low over their metallic faceplate, their frame is defined by wide shoulders, harsh, angular lines, and a metallic form, appear as though armored, when, in fact, it is the sturdy construction of it's frame that affords it the majority of the protections required in the harsh deserts surround Katapesh. While it does wear clothing, bot to protect it from the elements, as sand, does, indeed, get everywhere, also to conceal it's nature. Kheti fears, and avoids, the Zephyr Guard, fully aware of their origins as a remnant of some Aluum construction, whether a variant, or some sort of prototype, they are concerned that the amulets the Zephyr use to control the gargantuan Aluum constructs could remove their own sense of self, and free will. Around their neck, they wear a silver symbol of the All-Seeing Eye, a scarab upon whose shell is inscribed the symbol of Nethys, ancient God-King of Osirion, now raised to godhood through their own knowledge and mastery of the arcane arts. Strapped to their hip is a thick arcane tome, it's bound pages protected by an iron embossed, wood and leather cover, inscribed with axiomatic runes and a thick, heavy lock. Over the left shoulder protrude a long, broad bladed spear on a thick, ironwood haft, it's mid-guard covered in thick leather wrapping, as is the style of the Badawi people among whom Kheti makes their home. Whereas over the right shoulder, a long handled sword, with thick a cross guard and wide blade that tapers to a canted, crescent shaped crown.

Spoiler: Background
Kheti ibn al-jahat was born in the deserts of Katapesh almost a century ago, sometime around 4600 AR, he grew up, with his parents, in a small nomadic Badawi tribe, where he learned the values of the desert peoples. Life is hard, and one's life was but a part of the greater clan, and thus, lived in service to it, Kheti grew to become a good man, a hunter, a tracker, bringing both game and water to his tribe. In time he took a wife, Zahara ism al-Assaf, uniting two Badawi tribes into one, by rite of blood and betrothal, the sigil of their union carved branded onto the flesh at the inside of their right and left wrist, respectively, so when the two were bound, their sigils would touch, uniting them. It was from his wife's father, Assaf ibn al-Qureshi, that Kheti began to be tutored in the mystic arts, as prescribed by the All Seeing Eye, the Most High Nethys, who achieved apotheosis by journeyiing to the heart of the Astral, and learning it's secrets. Soon, Kheti began to master the low tier of arcane formulae, rites and rituals that would mark him as a Badawin Magi, these studies were conducted in a cave in the Barrier Wall mountains, weeks from the clans typical migratory routes.

Kheti's arcane studies were interrupted when a young Badawi runner stumbled into the sacred cave, exhausted and dehydrated, he explained, in ragged breaths, to al-Qureshi that a Sandstalker raiding party had come across the Badawi clan, taking the most vulnerable, while slaughtering the Badawi defenders and leaving them for the jackals. Assaf and Kheti returned immediately, to discover that the young runner's report was accurate, their clan's camp was nothing but torn tents, the bodies of the Badawi defenders splayed open on blood soaked sands. Kheti swore revenge, even though Assaf counseled patience, knowing that his student's training was insufficient to the task, however, the newly wed husband was consumed by anger, guilt, and shame.

He tracked the Sandstalkers, fell upon a small scouting party and using the magicks taught him by al-Quereshi, was able to kill most, and interrogate the survivor, who informed the vengeful Kheti that the Badawi slaves had been sold in Katapesh. The magus then killed his prisoner, and stalked the sands towards Katapesh, when he entered the Fleshmarkets he began to ask many questions, seeking slaves, Badawi slaves, who had been sold within the last month. Some remembered the auction, some did not, however, he did discover that the bulk of the Badawi survivors had been purchased by a peculiar man, one Khoury Awad, an elven merchant, so something of an oddity in Katapesh, who was rumored to be employed by the Pactmakers, the odd, alien rulers of Katapesh.

He sought out Awad, discovering his estate, he crept past the Zephyr Guard stationed at it's gates, and drew, both, spell and blade, leveling them against the elven slave-trader. Awad confirmed that he had purchased Zahara for a singular Pactmaker, Xalathir the Itinerant. However, as Awad spoke his master's name, a great ward was triggered, the elf's flesh began to redden and blister as the blood within him boiled, a great flash of light and the tall, gaunt form of a Pactmaker stepped from a gate, surrounded by a retinue of Zephyr Guards, summoned by his agent revealing his identity. A thin, long fingured hand reached out for Kheti, and then there was nothingness.

After his capture, Kheti remembers little and less, a sigil, worked in orichilium, engraved in a stone ceiling, a table, thick iron bands strapping him in place, Xalathir's masked, featureless face, long fingered hands, a crystal, a knife and then blackness. The rest is interspaced light and darkness, a headsman's block, an executioners sword, the flash of the blade, the satisfying impact as keen edge cuts flesh, bone and sinew, the roar, or jeers, of the crowd. Then the stone chamber again, until finally, a familiar face, the older, wizened, a nod, a whisper, 'Do it,' the look implored, and at Xalathir's command, he took the head of Zahara's father, his mentor, and with the old man's life, Xalathir's hold on his soul bound core was broken. The construct was freed, his memories came flooding back, he stumbled, falling to the platform, his body, not one of flesh and bone, as he remembered, but of adamantine and iron, clumsy, slow, and heavy.

Chaos consumed the executioner's platform, Kheti stumbled, ran, fled the city, the Zephyr guards embroiled in a conflict with, suddenly, uncloaked Steel Falcons. The construct, Xalathir's personal executioner, fled into the desert, to collapse. Consumed with guilt and shame, his memories came flooding back to him, for a decade he wandered the wastes, untouched by hunger or thirst, but memories and ghosts haunted him. He visited the Barrier Wall where he had studied with his, now slain, master, the site of the Badawin's slaughter by the Sandstalker gnolls, and, in time, he returned to Katapesh, much had been taken from him, he had been forced to spill blood, his kinsmen's blood, at the behest of his alien master, and debts would be paid.

He lived in squalor upon his return, however, a young child, a girl of no more than thirteen offered him food and drink, not that he needed either. However, upon her outstretched wrist he saw a sigil, one his right wrist had born in life, he inquired as to it's meaning. The girl shrugged, she said it was sported by those who opposed the Pactmaster's rule, it stood as symbol of hope amidst the Fleshmarkets, a symbol of resistance. The young girl's name was Najjar Chaum, and when the Zephyr Guard came for Kheti, it was Najjar who led him to allies, who, too, opposed the Xalathir's flesh trade, the Steel Falcons, Andoran's knights errant, who opposed the very notion of slavery, whether in the Inner Sea or Garund.

Spoiler: Questionnaire
Do you know your father and mother? If there are no known natural parents, who raised you? What are their names? Are they alive? What do/did they do? Where did/do they live? What is your relationship with them then and now? Kheti, in life, was a member of a tight-knit tribe of Badawi, and was well known, and loved, by his parents. They fostered in him a sense of community, loyalty and duty, life in the desert is hard, so you must do what you can to ease the way for those that follow. However, now, they are long since dead, and given the transference of his soul into Xalathir's Aluum, most of his memories are imperfect, flashes, memories and dreams.

Do you have any siblings or close extended family members? What are their names? Are they alive? What do/did they do? Where do/did they live? How did they treat you growing up? How did you treat them? What is your relationship with them now? His tribe was killed by Sandstalker gnolls almost a century ago, he has no, living, relatives that he is aware of. However, he has discovered that the betrothal sigil he shared with his wife, Zaharra, has become a symbol of hope for those slaves in Katapesh who seek to escape their masters and live free. He is not sure why that, particular, symbol was chosen, and seeks to determine the truth behind it. While he realizes that Zaharra is gone, a hundred years hence, he hopes that by discovering her story, and giving her the honor she deserves that he can reclaim a portion of himself, his memories, and be worthy of the love she once showed him, despite the horrors that he has been forced to inflict upon his own people at Xalathir's command.

Why is your character in Katapesh? How do they feel about the city? How committed are they to staying there? He travelled to Katapesh to oppose Xalathir's forces, the Zephyr Guard, and the Fleshmarkets. However, he has now made connections with an escaped slave, Najjar Chaum, and has taken her as his ward. He knows he has been the Pactmaster's executioner for decades, taking the blood of those that opposed Xalathir. He hopes, by taking Najjar, as his ward, that by protecting the child's youthful innocence, he can begin to take steps to balance the rivers of blood his soul is awash in. While he despises aspects of Katapesh, the Fleshmarkets specifically, he sees other aspects of it as beautiful, the architecture, it's history, and it's places of learning. It is a jewel that brings together a myriad of ancestries, heritages and cultures. His view of it is multifaceted, a place of grim reminders of a century of service to a cruel, inhuman master, while still viewing it through the innocent, oft naive, eyes of his ward, Najjar.

What did your character do before this? In what way do they interact with their previous life? How did they receive training in their class? What motivates your character to adventure in general? Kheti was a Badawin nomad, a hunter, a scout, and a husband, before becoming apprentice to a magi, he was then taken by a Pactmaster overlord, and his soul bound to an Aluum servant that executed that Master's enemies for nearly a decade, before his slain wife's father, broke the enchantment, setting the Aluum free. During his wandering in the wastes, he meditated in the caves at the Barrier Wall, communing with the spirit, or perhaps just the memory, of his training with al-Qureshi, perhaps even guided by the teachings of Nethys, recalling some, if not all of his arcane power, now blended with the Aluum frame. He doesn't regularly interact with his former life, as it is near a century old, and most, key figures, are now deceased. However, he holds great reverence for the Badawin peoples, harbors a great distrust of Gnolls, the Sandstalkers particularly, and despises the Pactbinders and their rule, which he feels is injust, inhumane, and believes that they are seeking something and subtly binding all of Katapesh under chains, disguised with commerce and trade. As for what motivates him, he seeks, he explores, to find answers, what were Xalathir's goals in binding him to the core that powers his Aluum chassis, why do the freedom fighter's bear his wife's sigil, how did al-Qureshi break the Pactbinder's hold over him, what has become of his tribe, and how best to reclaim his humanity.

What are your character’s long term goals (‘no goals’ is a fine answer)? How committed are they to these goals? What might cause them to change these goals? His current goals are to connect with the freedom fighters that bear his wife's sigil, to aid the Steel Falcons in their fight against the slave traders and the flesh markets, and to, at all costs, protect Najjar from harm. Given the opportunity, he would rejoin the Badawin peoples, however, he feels he would never be accepted due to the rivers of blood that stain his soul.

Is there anyone who your character hates or who hates your character? What did they do to your character? Are you jealous of them, are they jealous of you, or are you rivals? If none of those apply, how would you best describe your relationship or lack thereof? Kheti hates Pactmaster Xalathir, and will oppose him and his Zephyr Guards at any opportunity, as long as doing so would not place Najjar, or any other innocent at risk. Xalathir enslaved Kheti, bound his soul to a murderous, Aluum construct, and had him act as executioner for a century, he is not jealous of Xalathir's power, nor does he seek it for himself, but he does wish to see it torn down, to discover the truth about the Pactmasters and discover their reasons for taking control of Katapesh. Byron Graves, a member of the Steel Falcons is very distrustful of Kheti, and while the organization does work with Xalathir's former executioner, Ser Graves is the first to remind his cohorts that the Aluum could well have hidden, or secret, orders from Xalathir, perhaps even still being under his control. And while Kheti does not, fully, discount this line of thought, wishes to find some way to earn Graves' trust.

What are your character's hobbies? Are there any particular reasons your character enjoys these things? If not, why does your character do these things? As with most Badawin, pesh holds a religious significance, allowing one to commune with one's ancestors. While he is, now, unable to partake in that, specific, ceremony, he still enjoys the ambience of hookah lounges, the smoke, the quiet conversation, and, oft times, peaceful plucking of an oud. He also enjoys senet an Osirion game of strategy in which one moves pieces of their army to surround, isolate, and conquer spaces on the board. These oth bring him back to his time as a Badawin nomad, reminding him of a simpler time, removed from the guilt and shame he carries for years of, bloody, service to a tyrant.

One stranger in trouble asks your character to help them, why do you help? Another stranger in trouble asks your character to help them, why don’t you help this one? Trust is a hard thing to earn with Kheti, however, the first stranger could well remind him of a face of a Badawin clan-mate, half remembered from some fragmented dream, or another of a face turned on the block pleading, to whom, he feels, he owes a debt. Or the first stranger could ask him to oppose a cause with which he has already vowed vengeance, and so the task is a step towards, his own, goals, and the aid rendered is not for the stranger, but for his own, perhaps, selfish, reasons. The second stranger could remind him of the manipulations of the Pactmasters, the Zephyr Guards, or the task could be one that, ultimately, aids either of the two, or brings him into contact with slave traders, flesh markets, or the Sandstalker gnoll clan. However, if the second stranger were to know of Kheti's sworn enemies, he may be able to manipulate the Aluum into acquiescence by deceiving him as to the nature of the request, instead relying upon the Aluum's nature and desire to provide aid to the downtrodden, the slaves, and their allies.

An opportunity arises that your character is uniquely poised to capitalize on - it could be very dangerous, but there could be a sizable reward. What makes your character want to do it? What makes them go along with it despite initial reservations? What fails to motivate them to go for it? What forces them to turn the opportunity down? The opportunity to perform a task that would disrupt the slave trade, hurt any Xalathir trade agreements, or disrupt the Zephyr guard would be difficult for Kheti to turn down. The reward could be well spent on providing aid to Najjar and her resistance, provide food, shelter, or smuggle wanted members of the organization from Katapesh, perhaps even embed them within a Badawin tribe for protection, or concealment. If there were to be reservations, it would be about backlash against his allies, Najjar's nascent organization smuggling slaves from Katapesh, the Steel Falcon's resistance, and if that backlash were to be too great, he would, perhaps, exercise caution, not fearing retribution against himself, but against allies who were less equipped to suffer such an attack.

Hook tie-in: Your character is somehow acquainted with one Sofh al Ustadh, an academic who has done a lot of field research studying ancient Osirion ruins. She will recommend you to join on an short expedition going to one (which she will not personally be joining). Why does she recommend you specifically (some suggested ideas below)? How do you know her (and/or her spouse, Zetath, a Professor of Mathematics and Numerology)? Sofh al Ustadh is a researcher whom Kheti met at a grand bazaar, where she sought to discover the writings of one Assaf ibn al-Qureshi, a Badawin Magi who had, allegedly, discovered a rite that would grant a bound soul it's freedom, this rite was based on certain Osirion funerary rituals, and so, during her research Kheti discovered a scholar was asking about his former master. The Aluum followed the scholar, meeting her at a hookah lounge, where he shared his connection to the subject of her research. At first intimidated by Kheti's Aluum chassis, the two began to develop an academic interest in one another, she in his first-hand knowledge of the Badawin magi, and he, in her knowledge of ancient Osirion and the God-King Nethys. They, too, began to play a game of senet, moving a piece once every two or three weeks during their regular visits at a small, local, hookah lounge. The expedition concerned her, but she was confident with Kheti's arcane knowledge and durable, Aluum chassis, that he would be able to protect the team of scholars and investigators in their journey, as well as provide some knowledge given his association with the learned al-Qureshi and knowledge of local Badawin customs.

I'll be making some superficial tweaks to the backstory to fit into the game more easily, however, I need to run to work so that will have to wait until tonight ... super excited for the opportunity to join you and look forward to playing with you all.