Taalia Giovanni

Taalia's mind scrambled for ways to deal with the situation, to try and acquire some type of confession or a disrupted chain of events that would trip the spectre up in a deception. Right now her belief was that Donallo was the one possessed, for no man of sane mind who was once deemed a 'good man' would tether his wife up in such a way for weeks on end while also neglecting his realm.

However, she was not closed on the idea that Margot was the one carrying the wicked spirit within her. Or perhaps even both!

Or maybe...neither. Taalia remembered the man in the pits when she was very young, driven mad by the mind-breaking labour the Skaven forced upon them, his mind fragmenting beneath the stress until he believed he was destined to transform into one of them. Maybe this wasn't the work of some devil or daemon, but the fruits of a twisted mind.

...but that seemed too far off. Donallo had acted 'reasonably', and she used that term loosely. He did not gibber or shout, nor throw things and defy them. He acquiesced peaceably and did so with little to no resistance. Madness was many things, but quiet and compliant? No, she had never witnessed it as such.

But, first things first.

"We will untie her and allow her to undergo cleanliness. But then we must confine her in this room until we can be certain..." Taalia spoke quietly to Bella, her sonorous voice barely above a whisper so that only her companion could hear her.