Casamir Reed

To Chloe: "I hope you have a lovely time. If this is a little too many people for you, you can do as you want and explore - perhaps the library on the third floor? There are many people here to meet, but you don't have to do it all at once." He smiles at her gently.

Responding to Vidrik. "Many of our older members have passed on in the last couple of decades, which has reduced the number of personal ties we have to the nations around us. It has been more than a hundred years since Dracula last returned, and I've received more than a few letters asking if we are considering changing our mission given the dearth of vampires. Anyone will support a militant order that they can point at their enemies, but one that prepares to fight something that is not there is not such a prestigious ally, and donations and volunteers for our cause have lessened greatly."

"Some of our members have moved away, or their heirs have sought to make their mark in other places, doing other things. This is individually good, but thinking back to two decades ago when I was young, there were a lot more people at the gathering. We need to strengthen the ties between the founding and member families - perhaps some of you are working on that?"
He looks to see if any couples have formed amongst your small group. "No? Well, we also need to support the neighboring keeps and castles and families allied with us. The rapids and waterfalls along the river limit the region to overland trade and travel, as each of you came on your way here. Major centers of wealth and trade always have a river or sea port. Improving the roads may help, but the best thing would be reshaping the river to flow more smoothly. That will be a major investment in time, labor, and magical talent... and if done incorrectly, could cause flooding. In the absence of vampires, we do need to find things to do."

He glances again at the group. "But I'm sure you're not hear to listen to discussions of investments and trade, are you? What can I help facilitate for you and your families?"