Quote Originally Posted by Kareeah_Indaga View Post
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
I hope everyone enjoyed the holiday (or the regular day if you're not in the US).

So like this? (Sorry for the terrible map.)

[*]7 thugs (I’m not sure how Kaine’s earlier damage impacts their numbers)[*]24ish hostages[*]Darker inside than outside (no lights on?)
There started off something like a dozen thugs (some of them came out of the vault with Electro). That equates to three dice. Kaine eliminated two dice, so there should really only be a couple left. Maybe more than that but they're disorganized or scared.

The lights are on, the room just isn't that well lit.

Re: dice pool. How does this look?

Affiliation: Solo (1d8)
Distinction: Crowd of Hostages (1d4)
Power(s): Klyntar Symbiote - Invisibility (1d8), Shapeshifting (1d6) (Multipower)
Specialty: Covert (1d8)
Complication/Stress: I’m assuming the hostages are my ‘target’ I don’t think they have any of these?
Asset: Invisible Insider (1d10)
That looks fine, except that you should roll Buddy since Kaine is helping you by distracting Mysterio.