Quote Originally Posted by u-b View Post
I thought to use HEDPs, those are 7d(10) and we have a number, but now thinking of it, I'm not sure how much hit points a tight jet of molten metal would deal to a door. Technically it's neither impaling not piercing, but you might want to rule some sort of injury tolerance to that for a door-like homogenous object, in which case plese let me know. Also requesting the ruling on hitting the locks and the windows (respectively size mod and DR+HP).
Is it (tight-beam?) burning or crushing? Homogenous objects have no special resistance to those damage types.

As for the SM of the lock, I believe it's -5? It can't be much bigger than a padlock.
The windows are SM -2 at the smallest, no bigger than SM -1. A (slim or small) human could crawl through one, in theory (if they had a good entry angle to climb in through).

DR+HP for the window? The lock?
The windows have bars (DR 5 & HP 12 each), the fragile glass is nothing to worry about.
The lock hardware is DR 12 and HP 14.

Making any skill rolls for the attempt?