Quote Originally Posted by Bennosuke View Post
Old Shadow shrugs at Laura's questions and with a thoughtful hmmm, he replies, "Perhaps, though that wasn't necessarily what I was referring to. Hobgoblins are things of The Wyrd; they are concepts and not humans. No matter how much like a person a hob might behave, it is ultimately a construct... like a computer AI. You just don't know how it might behave, because it just isn't human." This all comes out matter-of-factly, Shadow finishes with another tired sigh.
Laura takes Shadow's words seriously. 'Maybe you're right, but I guess if we followed through with that it'd be easier to stay away from New Orleans and the Market altogether. I don't know if I can stand to do that yet.' Laura's understanding was that at least they might be safer from the Gentry in New Orleans. 'But if a Hob's like a computer program isn't there a way to deal with them on that basis? Like an anti-virus?' Laura asks the question rhetorically but is suddenly curious if Shadow has an answer to that.

Laura will take a long drink before answering the second point. In part so she can hold her nerve. 'Maybe. But I think that depends on finding out whether it's even possible first. No point in even trying if I end up lost in the Hedge.' That brought up a lot of unwelcome memories. 'Still more so if someone comes looking for me the second I cross over. I realise this is a big ask Shadow.'