Michael is somewhat surprised to hear that. In fact he does not even get it. At least, the man is direct.

"No, that's not the plan. I'm here to gather the intelligence and then report higher up. If Lord Jarmaath decides he is sending help, you will have help. If he decides that help includes me, you will have me. Whatever way you get that help, I'm fairly positive it will require risking your people." Michael makes a pause to let that sink in. "For now I offer you a full disclosure of any intelligence I come across and some consulting on plans we'll be taking. My plan for tomorrow morning is to interrogate a dead hobgoblin, so you can now provide your opinions about what should be asked. I can ask him three questions. If a local cleric can do that instead, I'll delegate it to him and save the spell for when I act on the information received, which would be my plan for the rest of the day. The questions I propose are as follows:
1. Where is your immediate superior most likely to be?
2. Who is your ultimate superior?
3. What will probably happen if things go as your side has planned?

I'm open to change questions 2 and 3 if you have better ideas. As for "standing"... we'll see. If things are serious, you might better be running. How many fighters you think can a large, organized tribe muster, and how many can you? Do you have any data on that tribe at all?"