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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Default Re: The Marvels , you know that new superhero movie

    There's no "vocal sentiment" about the cast, the characters or the movie. Quite the opposite, actually. It's apathy.

    Most people don't care about Captain Marvel and don't even know who the other two are. Brie Larson is the only well-known name, and she's definitely not the most popular person in Hollywood... i suppose we also have Samuel Jackson, but Nick Fury has been so thoroughly humiliated in the MCU, that he's basically a joke at this point, no longer the coolest character around.

    The lack of promotion is also overstated. Everyone knew this movie was coming out and what it was about. I doubt a few scripted interviews in late night shows would change much about its failure... Not to mention that Barbie and Oppenheimer (as well as a bunch of smaller movies) did pretty well, despite the strike.

    The big factor here is that, after a long stretch of bad products, people simply don't care the MCU anymore... At least, not nearly enough for a studio to justify a 300 million movie budget.

    (It also doesn't help that reviews consistently ping The Marvels as bad-to-mediocre).

    It's almost poetic that the first Captain Marvel came out at the apex of MCU popularity and was a huge success despite being mediocre at best, and then its sequel comes out at the exact opposite point in time and is as much as a failure as the original was a success.
    Last edited by Lemmy; 2023-11-17 at 03:44 PM.
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