Sabian Skellegue
Half-Orc Barbarian
AC: 14 HP: 23/23
PPer: 13 PInv: 10 PIst: 11
Conditions: --
Chloe says, "You all look well. Not sick at all. That's good. Meetings like this can be terrible for spreading diseases." Sabian blinks and looks from Chloe to Vidrik and back to Chloe, Er, he smiles and then recovers from the awkward comment, Yeah well, not for lack of trying rolling around in the hay with those kiddos over there, he says, pointing to the training yard.

"Sabian. It's great to see you again. You already towered over me 10 years ago and now you've filled out even more." Vidrik says.

He then turns to Chloe after failing to answer her question before their old friend arrived. "I don't really want to meet all the important people. But the cook might be interesting. Should we go see what the cook is doing? Maybe we can get a free meal."

Sabian leans over conspiratorially, You've learned my secret, frequent meals! Come on, let's go see what Ioan's cooked up and we'll all be filled out in no time! Maybe we can find out what's in store for us while we're at it.

The four cross the courtyard and find the dwarf near where the food is spread out, Ho there Ioan! Looks like it's time for the main course. He gestures to the others, I ran into some friends, old and new. Sabian begins to load up a plate, Hey Ioan, you've been through these formal ceremonies before right? What should we expect?