Taalia Giovanni

Taalia moved along with the impromtu caravan with a surprising relaxed demeanor, at least for one who had been in a battle the day prior. In actuality, Taalia had become almost desensitised to battles and mass combat by now. The sight of violence no longer frightened her, given her upbringing and her activities since emerging onto the surface. Whether that was a sad indictment or a toughening up would be left to an individuals discretion. But the shepardess listened to the stories the ogres offered and was genuinely interested in their travels, even if the tales of such were filtered through the minds of towering brutes that would ultimately devour you if they needed to.

And Taalia shared some stories of her own.

"A burning roof fell on me when I was just a child," she offered, pointing to the scar across her face.

"I don't know where I'm from originally, but one day I hope to find out," Taalia smiled bittersweetly.

"I was taken by Norscans, held in their freezing hell for a few years before I was sold to the rat-men. I survived them for seven years, see these?" she would pull back a sleeve, or open a collar-cloth, all to reveal one of the multitude of scars across her figure.

"I even learned the language! As far as I know, I am only one of two free humans to be fully fluent," that smile returned, but this time carrying almost a boastful edge. But there was the reminder: her thoughts were still in Queekish, and probably always would be.

Taalia would look over at Bella every now and then, granting her a small, friendly smile should her friend notice and return the glance.

"What an awful way to live," Bella whispers. "I can't imagine being so hungry to do such things over and over, and to eat... well. Things I wouldn't call food."

The shepardess would smirk and snort lightly in amusement. While still walking at a gentle place, she leaned up so that Bella could move her ear a little closer so her friend could speak softer.

"I starved for eleven years," Taalia said quietly without the presence of judgement or correction, "five days over-worked on an empty stomach, and even carrion starts to look appetising..." her little grin containing a hint of morbid humor.

But then came Lord Donallo's fort.

Immediately Taalia's guard was up, not because she sensed any great danger, but because she couldn't understand what was going on. She followed the bewildered but cautious demeanour of the six guards and the seemingly entitled and sweeping gestures of Briant, raising an eyebrow at the mans sudden assertive outburst, until Giorno explained what was going on.

"You with me, si? Something, uh..."

Taalia immediately nodded, unslinging her firearm from her shoulder and getting ready to pursue. But then she saw Bella arm herself with equal gusto, clearly ready to storm the castle if need be. Looking over her shoulder at her unarmored friend, her smaller stature dwarfed behind Taalia's tall, statuesque and mail-clad figure, Taalia shook her head.

"Bella no..." she uttered, "no weapon; you'll be seen as a threat. They won't strike out at a foreign lady and healer!"

She hoped her attempt to persuade her not to put herself in harms way would be welcomed as the tactical advice used to mask Taalia's protective concern.