R1T3: "Ow!" Roran cries out, reflexively raising a hand to the bloody wound along the side of his head. "Not the welcome I'd hoped for!" Twisting in his seat to get a look at his attacker, he draws a machete from a sheath on his hip and chops downward at the blue skinned creature. It ducks underwater before his stroke glunks underwater. He thinks he contacted something, but there is no blood that pools when he withdraws his arm from the water.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

A thick steaming mist comes out of the lamp and then there is a kersplash in the water on the opposite side of the little monster from Thickness. Nothing of whatever made that splash is above water right now, but the area where it came into the water is hissing with steam.

R2T19: Despite the newcomer, the little creature stabs at the off-balance croc-man, but his tail slaps away the attack.

R2T20: Eirina, the enemy is just under the water but visible; Thickness and whatever came out of Mr. Arvodair's lamp likewise is not above water. What do you do?

Mr. Arvodair on deck, Kaen in the hole ...

Spoiler: Battle Tracker

Aissah: 22. Submerged, dagger in hand.
Red Grindylow: 19. (2:9).
Eirina: 20. Seated.
Luren: 17. Seated. Oars locked.
Kaen: 13. Seated. Slashing volley (blade).
Zeferin: 10. Seated.
Arsenne: 8. Seated. Journal and ink in hand.
Thickness: 6. Prone in water. Lance in hand, shield on boat.
* If/Thens: If Attacked I'll use Whirlpool Spin.
* If the enemy attempts to leave in a manner that provokes AOO, I'll attempt a Hamstring Manuever from the Elephant in the Room Feat reduction, being a opposed combat manuever with attacks to entangle them/prevent them from leaving instead of doing damage.
Blue Grindylow: 5. (-5:9). DYING! 1D4 BLEED!!!
Ambyr: 4. Seated.
Roran: 3. Seated. Machete.
