Sabian Skellegue
Half-Orc Barbarian
AC: 14 HP: 23/23
PPer: 13 PInv: 10 PIst: 11
Conditions: --
Sabian lowers down, in a pouncing position, his eyes darting back and forth. His gaze recedes, losing focus on what's before him, instead taking the full periphery of his vision in. He is surrounded, enemies moving back and forth around him. He turns his head this way, then that, letting them know he is aware of their presence, his long black hair whipping back and forth with each movement. Then he hears it, the attack is coming. Before he can respond, he feels tiny arms wrapping around his legs and the excited cries of children. He reaches down to pull a small boy from gripping his leg, only for the whole group of them to swarm him in the Training Yard. He makes of show of falling down but continues to wrestle the kids off of him, tossing them into piled hay as they squeal with joy and exhilaration. He makes monsters noises and starts tickling the kids and throwing hay over them when he spots his grandmother watching from the other side of the fence. He smiles back.

Again! the children cry out.

You lot beat me fair and square, Sabian says in his deep baritone, walking toward the fence, Only fair to give someone else a chance. The children whine but then Sabian snaps back to face them, arms up and fingers bent into claws, But don't let down your guard! You won't know when I return! They scream and laugh and run back into the hay piles. Sabian nimbly hops the fence to join his grandmother and then looks back to the kids with an exaggerated look of disappointment, I can't believe these new recruits coming to the Order, he says. His grandmother chuckles and pats his hand before brushing hay off of him, You are so good with them Sabian. You'd make a good father; strong and tough, you'd discipline them and mold them, but with that sense of humor and that warmth.

Nona, please, isn't that why we're here?

She points a finger at him, No one here is going to get you to do what you must do! You need to know it and want it yourself. You are the last Skellegue that can sire children. If I still could bear children I would do my duty to my house.

Ugh Nona please!

You have a duty and you are forsaking it.

Sabian's smile melts away; they were easily passed the playful jaunting. Nona, the Skellegues are warriors, the best in the lands.

Don't think you have to tell me boy, I know more about it than you do.

Well then you know that I have to go out there and continue that legacy. I can't be the only Skellegue not to face the monsters of the world and make safe these lands. How can I teach my children to be brave and bold and deadly in battle against the enemy if I will never be able to do it?

Sabian, no one is saying you won't perform for the Order. But right now there are other priorities.

Sabian sighs, he hates disappointing his grandmother. He looks around and spots a couple of familiar faces, I think that's Chloe and Vidrik, wow. Um, I'll be back. He regrets leaving just as soon as he does, but would rather not continue a conversation he's had with Nona too many times. Neither of them will convince the other.

He jogs over to the group, Hi Cassandra, Sabian Skellegue at your service, he gives a formal bow. Chloe, Vid, is that you guys?

Seemed like Chloe and Vidrik knew each other so I thought Sabian would jump into that group as well. Let me know otherwise and I'll amend my post.